Git and GitHub for Students

A Beginner's Guide


2 min read

As a student, you may have heard about git and GitHub. But what are they and why should you care?

Git is a version control system that helps you keep track of changes to your code. It allows you to save different versions of your code and easily switch between them. This can be incredibly helpful when working on a project with other or when experimenting with new features.

GitHub is a website that allows you to host your Git repositories online. This makes it easy to share your code and collaborate on projects.

So as a student, why should you care?
Here are a few reasons:

  1. Collaboration: Working on a group project can be challenging, but Git and GitHub makes it easier to collaborate with others. You can work on different parts of code at the same time without worrying about overwriting each other's changes.

  2. Version Control: Have you ever made a change in your code that broke everything? With Git, you can easily revert back to an earlier version of your code and start over.

  3. Portfolio: As a student, it is important to start building a portfolio of your work. Hosting your projects on GitHub is an easy way to showcase what you've accomplished.

The conclusion here is, Git and GitHub are powerful tools that can help students collaborate, keep track of their work, and showcase their accomplishments. If you're new to these tools, don't worry! There are plenty of resources available online to help you get started.